MST CPI deputies denounce indoctrination center on farm invaded in São Paulo| Photo: Disclosure/Advisory Deputy Caroline De Toni

Federal deputies belonging to the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) denounced, on social media, the transformation of a shed on a farm in São Paulo into a “center of ideological indoctrination”. Located in the city of Rosana (SP), the farm was invaded in November 2021 by the National Fight Front (FNL).

The images, published by deputies such as Rodolfo Nogueira (PL-MS) and Caroline De Toni (PL-SC), show a shed with several rows of benches. On the walls of the shed hang a series of prints with images and phrases from socialist and communist leaders such as Karl Marx, Che Guevara and Nelson Mandela. There are also graffiti with the initials “FNL”. Despite this, it is not known what the specific purpose of the shed is.

For federal deputy Caroline De Toni, it is a “true center of Marxist indoctrination for the FNL”. “Today, we are in the interior of São Paulo. In the morning, in Presidente Prudente, we heard witnesses and victims of the terror in the countryside. This afternoon, we were in Rosana, in one of the occupied areas, and we witnessed the existence of a real Marxist indoctrination center of the FNL (Frente Nacional de Luta)”, reported the deputy from Santa Catarina.

During this Monday (29), the deputies of the CPI of the MST were in diligence in the state of São Paulo to gather information that will be used in the commission’s report. Lieutenant Colonel Zucco (Republicanos-RS), Ricardo Salles (PL-SP), Caroline De Toni (PL-SC), Rodolfo Nogueira (PL-MS), Capitão Alden (PL-BA) and Messias Donato (Republicanos-ES) participated. .