Movements join protests for democracy on June 4

Movements join protests for democracy on June 4


The social movements that organize popular demonstrations across the country on the 4th of June are betting on mobilization through social networks and on the adhesion of more civil society entities. Under the slogan of freedom, democracy and justice, the coordinators hope to carry out peaceful protests against the impeachment of Deputy Deltan Dallagnol (Podemos – PR) in squares and streets of the 27 Brazilian capitals, as well as in dozens of cities in the interior.

The initiative arose as a reaction to the impeachment of Deputy Dallagnol by the unanimity of the seven ministers of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) on May 16, seen as the most evident episode in the escalation of abuses against democracy.

The group, initially formed by the NGOs Ranking dos Politicos, Fora Corruptos, Grita, Olho no Congresso Brasil, Vem Pra Rua, MBL, Curitiba Contra Corrupção and Mude, has expanded since the call for the national event on the last 24th, in Congress, with the participation of Dallagnol and other 20 opposition parliamentarians.

The objective is to repeat protests on a national scale, similar to those that took place in 2013. “We will be in the streets, fighting within the law, in an orderly and legitimate way, raising our voice for justice, freedom and democracy”, said the impeached deputy at the time.

Preparation advanced further in SP, RJ, GO and in the southern states of the country

Cristina Leal, coordinator of the Olho no Congresso Brasil movement, says that the decision to call the protests was taken the day after Dallagnol was ousted, followed by virtual meetings with parliamentarians and some other movements. Efforts were later concentrated in Brasilia and are now naturally expanding. “In this short period of preparation, we already have defined plans in São Paulo, Rio, the south of the country and in Goiás. At the same time, many other cities are confirming. Soon, we will publish the general spreadsheet”, said Cristina to Gazeta do Povo.

Juan Carlos Gonçalves, general director of the NGO Ranking dos Politicos, says that the organizers are asking the authorities to release the places to carry out protests in the 27 capitals, at the same time that they receive new contacts. “The movement on social networks has grown since we made the call. I believe that on June 4th we will see proof of popular indignation with the worrying reality in the country, in which a deputy is impeached for political persecution”, he says.

But the protests could suffer dissent from right-wing supporters. Last Thursday (25), former president Jair Bolsonaro asked people to focus their attention on the CPMI and not on the street protests. Bolsonaro spoke during the National Meeting of Presidents of the PL.

The statement came at a time when the Movimento Brasil Livre (MBL) was trying to gain prominence in organizing the protests and took a stand against the former president last year.

Politicians bet on the popular reaction against injustices

The president of Novo, Eduardo Ribeiro, points out that the demonstrations on June 4 represent “a society tired of witnessing attacks and injustices taking place in public power, such as the impeachment of Dallagnol”. He adds that the party will be present in all cities where there are concentrations, alongside the street movements, “which played a fundamental role in the transformation of the country”.

Deputy Marcon (Podemos-RS) defended in a speech on the platform that the demonstrations represent an opportunity for the country to unite around a noble cause: to restore respect for democracy and the fundamentals that sustain it, such as freedom and justice, under attack at the time. According to him, in recent months, there has been a continuous deterioration of the Democratic State of Law, in which parliamentarians like Dallagnol, known nationally for putting criminals in prison, are convicted of something “that even jurists have difficulty understanding”.

Deputy Bia Kicis (PL-DF) said during the 1st Conservative Congress in Curitiba, on Saturday (27), that a popular mobilization is necessary against the TSE decision that removed Dallagnol. “I believe that we need to manifest in all places. As parliamentarians, we need to put pressure on the platform. The TSE created a new question of ineligibility. It is necessary that the people also manifest themselves and show their indignation. Because it is not just the case of Deltan, there are many others, ”she said.


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