Most Brazilians believe that Bolsonaro tried to carry out a coup, says Datafolha

Most Brazilians believe that Bolsonaro tried to carry out a coup, says Datafolha



In the group of people who did not vote for Lula or Bolsonaro, 48% believe in the attempted coup and 39% do not

Former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) tried to stage a coup to continue as president of Brazil for 55% of Brazilians interviewed in a Datafolha survey, released on Friday (29). Another 39% disagreed with the statement and 7% were unable to answer. The information is from the Em website.

The research institute interviewed 2,002 people, aged 16 and over, in 147 cities in Brazil between March 19 and 20. The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus two points.

The survey also made a cut between Bolsonaro and Lula voters and neutral people. In the neutral group, 48% believe in the coup attempt and 39% do not.

In the group that voted for former president Bolsonaro, 73% do not believe that he tried to carry out the coup. The average is similar among those who declare themselves Bolsonarists, in which 75% say they have not had a coup attempt. However, 19% of both groups believe that there was an attempted coup.

Among Lula’s voters, 87% say there was an attempted coup, compared to 19% who do not believe in the hypothesis. Of those who declare themselves PT members, but did not necessarily vote for Lula, 86% believe in the coup, 11% of them do not.

Read more:

Coup did not occur because Bolsonaro was a “coward”, says Lula

Military confirms pressure on Bolsonaro for coup d’état

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