Moraes validates another 13 agreements with the PGR of those investigated by 8/1

Moraes validates another 13 agreements with the PGR of those investigated by 8/1


Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), validated another 13 non-criminal prosecution agreements signed between the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) and investigated for involvement in the acts of January 8, 2023, which led to the invasion and depredation of the headquarters of the Three Powers, in Brasília.

The decision was taken on Monday (8) and confirmed this Tuesday (9) by the Court at People’s Gazette, totaling 115 agreements approved by the magistrate. This new wave includes people who were camped in front of the Army Headquarters without concrete evidence of having directly participated in the invasion of public buildings.

Moraes wrote in the decision that “in the present hypothesis, the non-criminal prosecution agreement is a sufficient, necessary and proportionate measure for the disapproval and prevention of crime”. “Among the proposed conditions are the provision of services; ban on participation in social networks until the termination of the execution of the conditions of the agreement and ongoing participation on democracy,” he wrote.

Those investigated who had the agreement approved confessed to the criminal offense and will have the precautionary measures revoked. However, to maintain the benefit, they must comply with a series of conditions, including the provision of services to the community, the payment of fines in installments and the prohibition of participation in open social networks until the end of the agreement, in addition to participation in a course on “Democracy, Rule of Law and Coup d’Etat”.

Furthermore, to maintain the agreement, those under investigation cannot commit the criminal offense again nor be prosecuted for other crimes or misdemeanors.

Agreements are subject to judicial monitoring until compliance with established requirements. If the accused fails to comply, the agreement may be revoked and the criminal proceedings resumed, which may result in conviction.

The agreements allow the suspension of criminal proceedings upon compliance with a series of requirements, which will be supervised by the Court, and is applied in situations where the crime does not involve violence or serious threat and has a minimum sentence of less than four years.

By signing the agreement, the person being investigated undertakes to repair the damage committed. In return, the Public Prosecutor’s Office may determine the provision of services to the community, the payment of a fine or other conditions.


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