Milton Neves announces his departure from television – 06/10/2023 – Television

Milton Neves announces his departure from television – 06/10/2023 – Television


São Paulo

Milton Neves, 71, published a text in which he shares, in a farewell tone, that he is going to retire from television. The journalist, who started on screen in 1999 with the SuperTécnico program, on Band, said that the time has come to see what’s beyond. The Third Time program, which he is currently part of, will also be off the air.

“I am writing this text to give you the satisfaction that so many audiences have given me in recent years, allowing a country bumpkin (with pride), who left Muzambinho with one hand in front and the other behind in 1971, to remain on open TV for almost … 25 years!!! Something I never imagined, without false modesty”, he wrote in his column on the UOL portal.

Neves says he is proud of the legacy he leaves for Brazilian sports television and that he will continue on social networks and on the radio, with the programs Terceira Tempo and Domingo Esportivo. For the new phase, he says he wants to spend more time with family and friends, people he hasn’t been able to devote enough attention to over the years.

“The time has come to pass the baton to very competent people that I helped to reveal to TV, like Craque Neto. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, and we will continue together on the radio, on the website, on the Miltão Blog and on social networks for almost… . 6 million followers!.”


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