MBL provocation was the trigger for senator revelation – 02/02/2023 – Panel

MBL provocation was the trigger for senator revelation – 02/02/2023 – Panel


A provocation made by the MBL (Movimento Brasil Livre) was the trigger for Senator Marcos do Val (Podemos-ES) to reveal the alleged attempt by former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) to co-opt him for a coup.

This Wednesday (1st), the movement started to circulate in its social networks a list of “traitor” senators, for defending the re-election of Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG) in the presidency of the House. The MBL campaigned for Rogério Marinho (PL-RN).

Included in the list, the capixaba did not conform and started a live to refute the accusation in the early hours of Thursday (2). During the transmission, two of the national leaders of the MBL, Renan Santos and Arthur do Val (no relation to the senator), asked to participate in the conversation and started to support the information.

A long discussion ensued, alternating between calmer and more heated moments. The senator then made the revelation about the former president’s supposed proposal. He also said that Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ) would have arranged for the vote for President of the Senate to be secret, in order to facilitate betrayals of Pacheco.

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