Lula’s base works to guarantee ideology in education

Lula’s base works to guarantee ideology in education


MEC held a meeting with parliamentarians to ask for support for the National Education Conference. Federal deputy Tabata Amaral (PSB-SP) was present.| Photo: Mario Agra / Chamber of Deputies

The Ministry of Education (MEC) held a meeting with representatives from the government base to ask for support for the National Education Conference (Conae) 2024, which is practically on the eve of taking place. Among the participants would be deputy Tabata Amaral (PSB-SP), who sought to move her colleagues in the House. During the event, which will take place from January 28th to 30th in Brasília, guidelines will be discussed for preparing the National Education Plan (PNE), which will guide educational policies from 2024 to 2034.

The national stage of Conae 2024 has received several criticisms from conservative delegates such as a lack of transparency, a structure that prevents dialogue and opposition of ideas, short deadlines for analyzing documents and proposing changes. As it is a parliamentary recess, the opposition has found it difficult to articulate itself on the issue.

The Education Commission (EC), which was able to nominate five names to represent the Chamber of Deputies, had difficulty finding parliamentarians interested in participating in the event. Deputies Pedro Uczai (PT-SC), Socorro Neri (PP-AC), Tarcísio Motta (Psol-RJ), Rogério Correia (PT-MG) and Professora Goreth (PDT-AP) were those who expressed interest and were chosen by the CE.

This Wednesday, ten parliamentary fronts of the House met and signed an official note in which they request the postponement of the National Education Conference to the second half of 2024. The parliamentarians express “deep concern” in relation to the base document, released in October 2023 by MEC.

The base document, presented by the department, will serve as the basis for discussions at the event. The text opposes “ultra-conservative policies and proposals” such as demilitarization of schools, criminalization of homeschooling and opposition to agribusiness in the classroom.

A People’s Gazette sought out deputy Tabata Amaral, but, to date, has not received a response from the parliamentarian.


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