Lula slips away, INSS queue grows – 06/03/2023 – Elio Gaspari

Lula slips away, INSS queue grows – 06/03/2023 – Elio Gaspari


Upon assuming the Presidency, Lula said that he would end the “shameful INSS queue”. There are more than 1 million people waiting for medical expertise to receive benefits. Since the day he announced this wish, the queue has grown by 13%, with around 500,000 people.

In February, Minister Carlos Lupi, of Social Security, announced a task force capable of ensuring that, at the end of the year, all requests were analyzed within 45 days.

The first half of the year is ending and Lupi informs that the promise can only be fulfilled if they give him more resources.

In January, the government reiterated Lula’s campaign promise to allow the renegotiation of millions of people suspended by Serasa for debts of up to R$2,600. The program even got a nice name: Desenrola.

In March, Lula said that “another important thing that is about to be announced is Desenrola. It’s ready, I think next week we’ll be able to announce it.”

In April, without having announced anything, Lula resumed the theme, in a demanding tone:

“I remember saying in the campaign that, if we don’t do it, it gives the impression that we are fooling the people. As the program calls Desenrola, Haddad, I would like you, your team, to hold a conversation at the Civil House , prepare this program for us to launch. No matter how difficult we may have, there has to be a start. And we need to launch this program to see if we end up with the debt that involves almost 60 million people who are getting into debt on the credit card to buy something to eat. It doesn’t make sense. Let’s unwind, for God’s sake. Let’s unwind there”.

The Unwind continues skating.

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