Lula ignores diversity; STF must have 10 men and 1 woman – 11/27/2023 – Power

Lula ignores diversity;  STF must have 10 men and 1 woman – 11/27/2023 – Power


By nominating the Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, for Rosa Weber’s vacancy in the STF (Supreme Federal Court), President Lula must reduce female representation in the court, which now has only one woman among its 11 members, Minister Cármen Lúcia .

As shown by Sheet, the president announced the choice to allies, which should be communicated this Monday (27).

Cármen was nominated by the PT member in 2006, the longest choice of his first two terms. On that occasion, Lula made the opposite move to what he does now, expanding the presence of female ministers with one chosen to take over the seat left by former minister Nelson Jobim.

Since the first semester, the president has come under pressure from social movements for the unprecedented appointment of a black minister to the Supreme Court and to keep Rosa’s seat with a woman.

Lula, however, did not give in to the appeals, just as he did in the first half of the year, when he opted for Cristiano Zanin, his defender in the Lava Jato operation processes, whom he called a friend.

Before deciding on Dino’s name, the president had already said that gender and color would not be criteria for nomination.

As a result, female representation on the supreme court reached 9%, leaving the country as the second worst in Latin America, behind only Argentina, which has no female ministers.

The male and white predominance has been a hallmark of PT nominations, responsible for 7 ministers in the current composition.

Of the 9 choices he made in his three terms, including Zanin’s, Cármen Lúcia was the only woman nominated by Lula, the second to join the court, and a black man, Joaquim Barbosa.

During Dilma Rousseff’s government, there were 5 nominations and one chosen, Rosa Weber, keeping a woman in the chair of Ellen Gracie, the first minister of the court, appointed in 2000 by Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

Studies show that the only three STF ministers had additional challenges because they were women, as shown by Sheet. One of them, carried out by researchers from UFMG and Insper, concluded that the probability of female ministers being interrupted was 75% to 100% higher than that of male ministers.

Despite Lula’s contrary signals, the mobilization of the black movement has intensified in recent months, with campaigns that have reached Times Square. The president’s speech avoiding committing to an appointment in this regard was also the target of criticism.


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