Lula government creates instance to discuss slavery – 09/02/2023 – Panel

Lula government creates instance to discuss slavery – 09/02/2023 – Panel


The Ministry of Human Rights created a special forum dedicated to discussing slavery and the transatlantic trafficking of Africans, with the aim of suggesting education, research and memory promotion actions regarding these events.

The new General Coordination of Memory and Truth on Slavery and Transatlantic Traffic will be linked to the Special Adviser for the Defense of Democracy, Memory and Truth of the body.

Researcher Fernanda Thomaz, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Ibadan, in Nigeria, and at the Max Planck Institute, in Germany, will be in general coordination. She specializes in topics relating to colonialism, race relations, the women’s movement and memory.

According to the ministry, “the objective of the coordination is to reconstitute the history of the African slave trade, especially to the Brazilian territory, promoting education, memory, research, awareness and sensitivity of Brazilian society about racism and violent process of colonization and enslavement”.

One of the researcher’s first actions will be to participate in the protection of the Cais do Valongo complex, in Rio, the main gateway for Africans in Brazil between 1775 and 1830.

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