Learn how to protect yourself from unwanted payroll loans and commercial harassment

Learn how to protect yourself from unwanted payroll loans and commercial harassment


In 2023, the National Consumer Secretariat received more than 28,000 complaints about payroll loans. The main targets of commercial harassment are civil servants and retirees. Learn how to protect yourself from unwanted payroll loans and commercial harassment Waking up and seeing extra money in your account may not exactly be a good thing – it could be an unwanted payroll loan. To protect yourself and prevent the problem from continuing, the first step is to contact the bank and file a complaint with Procon regarding your status. They will trigger the company that made the loan. Retirees face the offensive of those who offer payroll loans that were not requested Excessive connections with payroll loans offers are also a problem and can become commercial harassment. The orientation of the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) for those who do not want to receive offers is to ask for the blocking of this type of connection on the site nãomeperturbe.com.br. Since 2020, there have been almost four million requests. If the unwanted calls continue, it is necessary to complain at the bank’s customer service, at the Procon or at the consumer.gov.br website. In 2023, the Ministry of Justice platform has already received 28,000 complaints. To prevent this type of abuse, Febraban created self-regulation of payroll in January 2020. Since then, it has applied 1,200 punishments to bank correspondents – companies that offer loans on behalf of banks. There were 552 warnings, 602 temporary and 46 permanent suspensions. In 2023, the National Consumer Secretariat received more than 28,000 complaints about payroll loans. The main targets of commercial harassment are civil servants and retirees, because the installments are debited from the payment, which do not run the risk of losing their remuneration.


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