Júnior Favacho articulates strategies in Brasília to make Amapá a powerhouse in agribusiness exports – News of Brazil

Júnior Favacho articulates strategies in Brasília to make Amapá a powerhouse in agribusiness exports – News of Brazil


The state representative Junior Favacho, President of the Agriculture and Supply Commission of the Legislative Assembly of Amapá (ALAP), was in Brasília this Tuesday (21) for a meeting with Irajá Lacerda, executive secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAP). The objective of the meeting was to discuss strategies to strengthen exports of products from Amapá, reaffirming the commitment to the state’s economic development.

During the meeting, Junior Favacho It is Lacerda addressed innovative strategies to simplify the export process. They identified obstacles and proposed practical solutions, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between public authorities and local stakeholders for the region’s economic progress.

The deputy thanked Lacerda for his commitment to advancing public policies favorable to the state. “Our desire is to see Amapá become a strong exporter. We want products such as chocolate from Oiapoque, flour from Pacuí, cheese from the municipality of Amapá, among others, to reach the whole of Brazil and the world”, declared.

The meeting also addressed the need to increase credit available for agribusiness in Amapá. Júnior Favacho mentioned recent meetings with representatives from Banco Santander and local producers, aiming to discuss growth potential, job creation and income for the state’s population.

The parliamentarian expressed satisfaction with the collaboration between the state and federal governments, highlighting that this union is essential to create an environment favorable to business and sustainable economic growth. The meeting in Brasília represents an important step in the deputy’s initiatives for the development of Amapá.

In turn, Irajá Lacerda thanked deputy Júnior Favacho for his visit and praised his commitment to agribusiness and the productive sectors of Amapá. “MAPA has its doors open to the state. Our goal is to use the strength of agribusiness to transform people’s lives, promoting development and dignity. We are committed to further strengthening the sector,” concluded.

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