impeachment was “illegality”; will appeal to the TSE, STF and Chamber

impeachment was “illegality”;  will appeal to the TSE, STF and Chamber


Federal deputy Deltan Dallagnol (Podemos-PR) classified as “illegality” and “injustice”, this Monday (29), the decision of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), which resulted in his impeachment. Dallagnol gave an interview to the program Living Wheelfrom the TV Cultura. The TSE unanimously annulled Dallagnol’s mandate.

The Court considered that the former prosecutor of the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), who was coordinator of the extinct Lava Jato task force in Curitiba, could not have requested his dismissal while responding to representations that could turn into administrative disciplinary proceedings (PADs ). Dallagnol stated that none of the claims against him had the potential to become a PAD.

He reinforced that he will appeal to the TSE itself, through motion for clarification, and to the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to try to reverse the impeachment. “What they did was create a hypothesis of ineligibility that is not foreseen in the law… What exists in my case is speculation”, said Dallagnol about the ministers of the Electoral Court.

The parliamentarian criticized the unanimity of the Court in the decision. For the former prosecutor, the unanimity may have been “artificial”, the result of pressure between the ministers.

During the interview, Dallagnol mentioned that Minister Benedito Gonçalves, rapporteur for the impeachment process, was already the target of Lava Jato on suspicion of connection with one of the contractors arrested by the task force.

The deputy also demanded a reaction from the Legislature against the decision of the TSE. He stated that he will present an appeal to the Chamber, so that it “defends its own attributions and competences” in this case.

Support for Bolsonaro

The deputy was asked about his support for Bolsonaro in the 2022 elections and said he completely disagreed with Lula’s “world view”. “Evaluating Lula and Bolsonaro, I don’t think twice about defending Bolsonaro against Lula. Lula has a conception of the world that I think is totally wrong,” he said.

“I don’t have idolatry or alliance with people, I have with causes, I’m going to look for people who best serve these causes within the circumstances and the current debate and available options. Has the Bolsonaro government had its mistakes? He had. Are there things I disagree with? He has. I don’t agree with everything he says. [Jair Bolsonaro] he spoke. Now, I see a series of positive policies at the same time,” said Dallagnol.

“PL of Fake News”

The parliamentarian also criticized Bill 2.630/2020, the so-called “PL das Fake News”, especially the first version presented by deputy Orlando Silva (PCdoB), rapporteur for the measure.

In the final version, however, Silva removed points such as the “autonomous supervisory entity” – criticized by Dallagnol – from the text, which could have the power to “request, receive, obtain and access data and information from third-party content digital platforms “. The withdrawal of the body, which would be a kind of regulatory agency, was made after resistance from party leaders.

Even so, on May 2, the mayor, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), decided to postpone the vote on the project. One of the opposition’s main criticisms was that the project had not been discussed with society. The government and Lula’s leaders wanted the vote to take place as soon as possible. But the government’s opinion quickly changed after they failed to identify whether they could win. Lira, then, followed most of the leaders of the Chamber, which was favorable to the request for withdrawal from the agenda made by the government deputy Orlando Silva. Leaders of opposition parties were against the withdrawal from the agenda, believing that the vote this Tuesday would result in defeat for the government.


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