How many zeros are there in an octillion, a profit promised by a group of pastors accused of scamming believers?

How many zeros are there in an octillion, a profit promised by a group of pastors accused of scamming believers?


Number that seems invented is actually real on the numerical scale. However, it is not possible to earn this amount in reais (or any other currency) in the world. Understand the reason. DF police carry out operation against religious leaders suspected of carrying out financial scams A group of pastors accused of carrying out financial scams that promised a profit of one octillion reais to the faithful claimed more than 50 thousand victims across the country. The number seems invented and even the spell checker finds the writing strange. But, after all, does this number exist? Yes, it exists on the numerical scale! After all, the numbers are infinite, explains Ricardo Balistiero, who is a doctor and professor of economics on the Administration course at the Mauá Institute of Technology (IMT). However, it is impossible to apply it on a realistic financial scale – the octillion has three times as many zeros as the billion. (See how many zeros there are at the end of this report.) Today, Brazil’s gross domestic product (GDP) is on the trillion scale. Even the global GDP, which adds up all the GDPs in the world, is in the trillions. Therefore, there cannot be a monetary return greater than this value in any financial investment. According to data from the World Bank, world GDP, which brings together all the wealth produced by all countries together, was around US$100 trillion in 2022. In the case of Brazil, GDP that year was US$1.92 trillion. 👉 The octillion is well above the trillion, which means that pastoralists promised earnings greater than anything produced globally. Hypothetically, there could be an octillion grains of sand on the entire planet. But it is not possible to calculate an octillion in wealth, even if you combine all the monetary values ​​in the world. Octillion exists on a numerical scale, but it is impossible to apply it on a realistic financial scale Unsplash How do you get to octillion? The numerical classes that lead to the octillion are: Million Billion Trillion Quadrillion Quintillion Sextillion Septillion Octillion To understand how the number is composed, consider that: 1 million is the ratio of 1 thousand multiplied by 1 thousand 1 billion is the ratio of 1 million multiplied by 1 thousand (or one thousand million) 1 trillion is the ratio of 1 billion multiplied by 1 thousand (or one thousand billion) 1 quadrillion is the ratio of 1 trillion multiplied by 1 thousand (or one thousand trillion) and so on. And how do you write an octillion? First, you need to remember that there is one, ten and hundred. For each number greater than 100, these categories are repeated until the next category is created. “For example, to arrive at one thousand (1,000), there must be a unit, a ten, a hundred and a thousand. To reach the million, you need to add the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and units of millions, that is, there are 3 more places, or 3 zeros, (1,000,000) and so on”, explains Guilherme Jacobik, mathematics professor at Instituto Singularidades. Or: Million: 1,000,000 (6 zeros) Billion: 1,000,000,000 (9 zeros) Trillion: 1,000,000,000,000 (12 zeros) Quadrillion: 1,000,000,000,000,000 (15 zeros) Quintillion: 1,000,000,000.00 0.000. 000 (18 zeros) Sextillion: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (21 zeros) Septillion: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (24 zeros) Octillion: 1,000,000,000,000,000.0 00,000,000,000 (27 zeros) ⚡ Or That is, an octillion has 27 zeros. Question about ‘billion’ in Enem 2002 The 2022 National High School Exam (Enem) brought a mathematics question that required students to answer how to write “1.35 billion” using only numbers (and their many zeros). Considered “very easy” by students, it became a joke on social media and undermined the self-esteem of those who, out of distraction or tiredness, chose the wrong alternative. See below if you would get it right: Enem question considered easy by candidates becomes a joke on social media Reproduction ✅ Click here to follow the new g1 Enem channel on WhatsApp (⚠️ The old group will be deactivated. Even if you are already part of our community, you need to register again.) Correct answer Professor comments on Enem 2022 mathematics question considered ‘very easy’ Check out the resolution made by Anglo Course teachers in the video above (or in writing, below): Resolution of the “billions” question from Enem Reproduction


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