Heat gains strength and could surpass 2014 record in SP – 09/18/2023 – Environment
After unprecedented temperature records for July and August, Brazil has a chance of seeing new heat records until the end of winter, which ends on Saturday (23). Furthermore, the country is facing a heat wave this week with greater intensity between Friday and Sunday.
According to meteorologists, the heat should remain due to a high atmospheric pressure system, the anticyclone, with a mass of hot, dry air that prevents the arrival of cold fronts. These, in turn, should remain stationed in the South, causing rain.
The country is also already feeling the effects of El Niño, which began on June 8. The phenomenon prevents cold polar air from arriving in Brazil, which led to an atypical, warmer and drier winter. The month of July, for example, was the hottest since 1961, according to the historical series from Inmet (National Institute of Meteorology).
An alert from the institute released this Monday (18) points to an increase in temperatures in eight states, from São Paulo to southeastern Pará. According to meteorologist Andrea Ramos, heat waves are characterized by an increase of 4°C to 5°C above of the historical series.
“We are recording temperatures above 40°C in several places in the country, but the focus is on the Center-West and Northeast, reaching the south of Piauí and Maranhão”, says the expert. The effects of El Niño, however, accentuate the hot weather in the northern part of the country. “We see increases of 5°C to 6°C above average in Boa Vista [RR]for example.”
According to Josélia Pegorim, from Climatempo, the high atmospheric pressure system gained strength in this last week of winter, but this time is traditionally warmer. “Climatologically, October and November are very hot months, with the highest average maximum temperatures in much of the country.”
According to the meteorologist, this week’s heat wave could make thermometers reach or exceed 40°C in the north of Paraná, in the north and west of São Paulo and in the western portion of Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Goiás, Tocantins and Bahia, in addition to the interior of Maranhão and Piauí.
“We will still have more heat waves throughout the spring in October and perhaps even November,” says Pegorin.
In the city of São Paulo, this year’s three maximum temperatures were recorded in winter. One on September 13th, with 33.3°C, and the most recent, last Sunday (17th), with 33.9°C, according to Inmet.
At 33.5°C, the maximum this Monday (18) did not break a record, but surpassed the 32.5°C recorded in January, in the summer. According to the CGE (Climate Emergency Management Center) of São Paulo City Hall, the mark can be beaten, especially between Friday and Sunday. According to the state Civil Defense, thermometers may exceed 37.8°C in 2014.
The average for September this year, updated until this Monday, exceeds the minimum for the month (15.1°C) by 0.8°C and the maximum (25.7°C) of the historical series by 2.6°C. , started in 2004. The maximum average recorded by the CGE this Monday was 33.3°C. The absolute maximums were mapped in Freguesia do Ó (34.5°C), in São Miguel Paulista (34.4°C) and Butantã (34.1°C).
Cities in the interior, such as Araçatuba, Bauru and Presidente Prudente are also on alert for highs above 40°C.
The indices measured by the center of the city hall are different from those recorded by Inmet, which is the official meteorology body, because the institute considers the Mirante de Santana station, north of the capital, for its measurements.