Half of students do not finish primary school at the right age – 03/18/2024 – Education

Half of students do not finish primary school at the right age – 03/18/2024 – Education


Only just over half of Brazilian students manage to finish primary education at the right age, that is, up to 15 years old. An unprecedented survey by Fundação Itaú identified that 48% of students were unable to complete the regular trajectory at this stage, due to having suffered complications such as failure, evasion or dropping out of school.

The research based on data from Inep (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research), linked to the MEC (Ministry of Education), analyzed the school career of the population born between the years 2000 and 2005 (who today are in the age group between 19 and 24 years old) until the period from 2007 to 2019. The result was released this Monday morning (18).

With the analysis, the study created the “indicator of regularity of educational trajectories” and the data reveal an irregular path to completing basic education across the country, but which manifests itself even more significantly among the poorest students , with disabilities, indigenous, black and male.

The indicator considered completing primary education (from the 1st to 9th year) in nine years as a regular trajectory and the entire education journey in 12 years, which includes the three years of secondary education. This completion period should be guaranteed to all students in the country.

The data shows that 48% of students were unable to complete primary education within the expected period and 59% did not finish secondary education at the right age.

The experts responsible for preparing the indicator highlight that the data is important because it highlights that educational problems in the country begin in the first years of school, especially in the final years of elementary school (from the 6th to the 9th year). There is currently no debate on any national public policy to address the problems at this stage.

Among the main educational policies to be debated in the country this year is, for example, the curriculum for the new secondary education. Flagship of the Lula government, the Pé de Meia program also only provides scholarships and savings for students in this last stage of basic education.

“In addition to performance [escolar] and access, we are talking about permanence and regularity in school life, presenting data that allows a more detailed understanding of the situation. Remembering that the problem begins before high school, and worsens between the 6th and 9th years of elementary school, a stage forgotten by public policies”, says Patrícia Mota Guedes, superintendent of Itaú Social.

The indicator also highlights the country’s educational inequalities. While 69% of students from the highest socioeconomic level complete primary education at the right age, only 38% of the poorest manage to complete the stage in nine years.

The data also shows racial and gender inequalities in the country. The results show that 62% of white students finish the stage at the right age. The rates drop significantly for the least favored groups, with 46% of mixed race, 41% of black and 23% of indigenous people managing to have a regular trajectory in primary education.

As other research has already pointed out, the school trajectory of girls in Brazil is more positive. Around 58% of them managed to complete primary school at the right age, compared to 46% among boys.

The indicator also points to the need for improvements in the country’s special education policy, as only 22% of students with disabilities completed this stage within the expected nine years.


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