Haddad articulates in the Chamber of SP to change the Master Plan – 06/22/2023 – Panel

Haddad articulates in the Chamber of SP to change the Master Plan – 06/22/2023 – Panel


Fernando Haddad, Minister of Finance, has been talking by telephone with leaders of the City Council of São Paulo to suggest changes in the text of the revision of the Strategic Master Plan. Since the beginning of the week, he has already spoken with Milton Leite (União Brasil), president of the Chamber, and Rodrigo Goulart (PSD), rapporteur of the text, and has maintained contact with PT councilors.

The current version of the PDE was prepared during the Haddad administration, in 2014. The first version of the revision of the plan, approved in May by the councilors, was met with criticism from the opposition and urban planners, who saw a strong tendency to incorporate demands from the sector real estate. As the Panel showed, the project absorbed 18 out of 26 proposals made by association of real estate developers.

Leite says that Haddad was very respectful and that he has the right to give his opinion as a citizen, former mayor and finance minister. The mayor was annoyed with the PT member at the beginning of the month for calling Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans) and Gilberto Kassab (PSD) to criticize the text of the revision presented in the first vote, as shown by the Mônica Bergamo column.

Leite claims that the minister was “really concerned about the city’s issues” and made a series of considerations, among them, that there should be a reduction in the 1 km radius of the subway and train stations and 450 meters around bus corridors for the construction of taller buildings, foreseen in the text approved in the first round. The rapporteur changed the radii to 700 m and 400 m, respectively.

The mayor says he listened to the suggestions and took them up for debate with the councillors.

Goulart also spoke with Haddad by phone. The councilor says he was in a meeting with the PT bench when he was asked to speak with the minister by telephone.

At the time, he says, he had already committed to incorporating a good part of the alterations suggested by Haddad, also defended by civil society groups and opposition councilors, such as maintaining the current format of Fundurb (fuelled by costly grants paid by construction companies to build larger works) and the abandonment of increasing the coefficient of land use (which determines how much can be built on each lot) from 2 to 3 outside the transport axes.

Haddad spoke on Tuesday (20) with Láercio Ribeiro, municipal president of the PT, and said that he agrees with the party supporting the project in the second vote, if the final proposal reaches the format that has been announced, with the setbacks presented by Goulart.

The party leadership has been debating possible problems in the formulation of the text presented by Goulart, but today the majority of its members defend the vote in favor of the project in the second round.

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