Government of SP creates group for houses in São Sebastião – 03/10/2023 – Panel

Government of SP creates group for houses in São Sebastião – 03/10/2023 – Panel


The government of São Paulo is going to create a task force to speed up the licensing of housing complexes to serve populations in São Sebastião, a region hit by heavy rains during Carnival.

The team will be put together by Graprohab (Group for the Analysis and Approval of Housing Projects), a collegiate body linked to the Urban Development and Housing Secretariat.

The sets will be built on two plots of land located in the Baleia Verde neighborhood, close to Vila do Sahy. There is still no definition on the number of houses to be built in the locations.

The areas were declared of social interest and will be expropriated by CDHU (Housing and Urban Development Company). In addition to the Secretariat, Graprohab also includes Sabesp, Cetesb and DAEE.

“Because it is an emergency and urgent matter, we are going to make a concentrated effort, prioritizing housing developments on the coast to approve the licensing in the shortest possible time”, stated Lacir Baldusco, president of Graprohab.

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