Government leader will guide vote against drug PEC after opposition victory in CCJ

Government leader will guide vote against drug PEC after opposition victory in CCJ


The government leader in the Senate, Jaques Wagner (PT-BA).| Photo: Geraldo Magela/Agência Senado.

The government leader in the Senate, Jaques Wagner (PT-BA), stated this Wednesday (13) that he intends to guide the government base to vote against the drugs PEC. The proposal, which criminalizes the possession and possession of drugs in any quantity, was approved by the House’s Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ). PEC 45/2023 still needs to be analyzed and approved in the Senate plenary before being forwarded to the Chamber of Deputies for analysis.

“I will guide what comes from the guidance [do Palácio do Planalto], probably against. It’s a deception”, said the government leader. At the CCJ, the text was approved in a symbolic vote. Only Wagner and senators Fabiano Contarato (PT-ES), Humberto Costa (PT-PE) and Marcelo Castro (MDB-PI) registered votes against the proposal.

The approval of the drug PEC in the commission represents a victory for the opposition to the Lula government and a reaction to the actions of the Federal Supreme Court (STF). Opposition parliamentarians claim that the Court is invading the competence of the Legislature when judging the matter.

The Court discusses the decriminalization of marijuana possession for personal consumption. The trial was interrupted on the 6th after a request for a review from Minister Dias Toffoli. So far, the score is 5 votes to 3 for the end of the criminal classification of users. With the request for review, Toffoli has 90 days to analyze the process. According to the STF’s internal regulations, after this period the action is released for trial.

During the vote at the CCJ, Contarato highlighted that the discussion conveys a “false perception that the problem of public security will be resolved”. He pointed out that the STF has legal support to decide on the issue. Castro also stated that he sees no problem with the STF’s actions. For the MDB senator, the Court did not “invade the competence of Congress”.

Senator Efraim Filho (União-PB), rapporteur of the proposal, argued that decriminalization could strengthen trafficking. “It is unquestionable that releasing drugs leads to an increase in consumption. Increased consumption leads to the explosion of chemical dependency. You won’t find it in the market, you won’t find it in pharmacies. There is only trafficking to be able to acquire it. Therefore , decriminalizing is strengthening trafficking”, stated the rapporteur.


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