German school prepares students for adult life – 03/26/2024 – Tv Folha

German school prepares students for adult life – 03/26/2024 – Tv Folha


A German school has a subject called “Ready for Life”. Here students learn how to cook, wash clothes, deal with money and income taxes. The German education system is often criticized as too theoretical, and this school wants to change that.

“[Aprendemos] what you should pay attention to when you have your first apartment, what the expenses are when living alone and no longer at your parents’ house”, says student Samuel Hösch, 16 years old.

“You learn things you might really need later in life [adulta]how to deal with shares, or the best way to manage your money”, highlights student Lennox Räder, 15 years old.

The “Fit for life” subject is optional and also covers topics such as cybercrime and responsible use of the media.


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