Former chancellor tells Nunes that going to federal office does not change support for re-election – 02/06/2024 – Panel

Former chancellor tells Nunes that going to federal office does not change support for re-election – 02/06/2024 – Panel


Former chancellor Aloysio Nunes Ferreira (PSDB) told the mayor of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes (MDB), that his decision to accept a position with Apex (Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency) in Europe does not mean changing sides in municipal race.

Apex is a federal agency, and the invitation for Aloysio to join its board was made after a conversation with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Aloysio, who was the director of SP Negócios, linked to City Hall, told Nunes that his decision has no electoral component and that he will continue to support his re-election. He also told the mayor that he insists on being in Brazil in October to vote for him.

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Michel Temer (MDB) government, Aloysio thus differentiates himself from Marta Suplicy, who held the position of Secretary of International Relations at City Hall and announced support for Guilherme Boulos (PSOL), of whom he should be deputy.

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