Farmer threatens Boulos with death and then deletes post – 02/23/2023 – Mônica Bergamo

Farmer threatens Boulos with death and then deletes post – 02/23/2023 – Mônica Bergamo


Federal deputy and homeless leader Guilherme Boulos (PSOL-SP) was threatened with death by a farmer on social media.

The man, named Rodolpho Leite, is a sports shooter, supporter of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and owner of a rural business consulting company.

He has a farm in the state of Tocantins and has more than 9,000 followers on Instagram, the network where he wrote the attacks. Leite shared a post by Boulos in stories, calling him a “tramp” and “trash”.

The deputy’s original publication denounced alleged action by armed militias against members of the MST (Movement of Landless Rural Workers) in the states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso during Carnival.

“They’re not militiamen, no, they’re the landowners and they can get upset, it’s going to get worse from there”, stated Leite. “These thugs are going to start [ser] dead, there won’t be any warning shots here.”

Afterwards, the farmer deleted the stories. “Anger is so much at the shamelessness of this bum, that nervousness makes him make some mistakes”, he justified himself in a new post made on Instagram.

Sought by the column, Leite did not respond until the publication of this text.

The parliamentarian’s team studies what measures will be taken against the author of the offenses.

It is not the first time that Boulos has been threatened. As he showed the column, a man pointed a gun at the congressman during a leaflet in São Bernardo do Campo, in Greater São Paulo, during the election period last year.


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