Enem 2023: When will the result come out and how to calculate the score? – 12/11/2023 – Education

Enem 2023: When will the result come out and how to calculate the score?  – 12/11/2023 – Education


After the second day of the Enem 2023 exams, this Sunday (12), students begin to look forward to the result, which will show whether they will be able to get a place in a public or private higher education institution.

This will be possible through the Sisu platform (Unified Selection System), but the participant can also apply for student financing from Fies or Prouni (University for All Program).

According to the notice published by Inep (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research), the official Enem answer key will be published on November 24th in the Tests and Answer Keys section of the portal. The final result, with the score, will only be known on January 16, 2024, on the participant’s page.

Although the answer sheet comes out before the final grade, it is not possible to deduce which grade the student will get just by counting the mistakes and correct answers. This occurs because of the system adopted by Enem to give grades.

Since 2009, the exam grade has been calculated using the mathematical model called TRI (Item Response Theory), in order, according to Inep, “to guarantee comparability of grades between tests from different applications. There is a logic in trying to reward students with better grades who demonstrate greater coherence in measuring their skills in the test”.

“IRT is a set of mathematical models that seek to represent the relationship between the probability of the participant answering a question correctly, their knowledge in the area in which they are being evaluated and the characteristics of the items”, highlights Inep.

So, basically, the grade will be calculated taking into account not only the number of correct answers, but also the calculation of which questions were answered correctly.

In 2021, Folha published a statistical analysis explaining the TRI and demonstrating that students who get only easy questions right can achieve higher grades than those who get only difficult ones right. This is because getting difficult questions right and easy ones wrong is understood by the model as a possible guess, and is reflected in the final grade.

TRI considers the particularity of each item. In this sense, grades do not depend on the number of items in the test, but on each item that makes up it. Therefore, two people with the same number of correct answers on the test are evaluated in different ways, depending on which items are right and wrong and can, therefore, have different grades.

All of these criteria were determined by Inep when evaluating the parameters of thousands of questions that make up the item bank for each of the four areas. “Based on this information, the questions are positioned in a kind of ruler with pedagogical interpretation”, highlights the institute.

These criteria, however, are kept under lock and key by Inep and are not disclosed. This way, there is no point in students racking their brains trying to figure out their grade. The best thing is to wait until January 16th of next year to see how much you scored in the exam and go after your university dream.


The assessment is carried out by at least two teachers with degrees in humanities or linguistics. One doesn’t know the grade the other gave.

Five skills are assessed, each being assigned a grade from 0 to 200. The student’s grade will be the arithmetic average of the values ​​given by the two teachers.

The five competencies:

  1. Demonstrate command of the formal written form of the Portuguese language;

  2. Understand the writing proposal and apply concepts from the various areas of knowledge to develop the topic, within the structural limits of the dissertation-argumentative text in prose;

  3. Select, relate, organize and interpret information, facts, opinions and arguments in defense of a point of view;

  4. Demonstrate knowledge of the linguistic mechanisms necessary to construct an argument;

  5. Prepare an intervention proposal for the problem addressed, respecting human rights.


The official answer sheet for the tests will be published on November 24th in the Tests and Answer Keys section of the Inep portal. A Sheetin partnership with Objective, will also publish an unofficial answer key (see here) when the test is over.


The Enem result will be announced on January 16, 2024, on the participant’s page.

The student may also have access to view their writing test exclusively for educational purposes 60 days after the results are announced.

And the trainees, the second-year students who take the Enem as training for the following year, will have their grades released 60 days after the exam results are released.


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