Enem 2023: what should the perfect conclusion be like in the essay? Quiz tests whether you recognize thousand grade text

Enem 2023: what should the perfect conclusion be like in the essay?  Quiz tests whether you recognize thousand grade text


See which elements cannot be missing in the last paragraph of the text and guarantee 200 points in your grade. Tests will be administered on November 5th and 12th. Draft of Carina Moura’s essay, grade 1,000 in Enem 2022 Personal file In the essay for the National High School Exam (Enem), the candidate can guarantee 200 points in the grade (out of a total of 1,000) by writing a last paragraph “on a whim”, fulfilling all prerequisites. In this report, find out what these requirements are, and then take a test: would you know how to “correct” a text and recognize which passage deserves the maximum score? ✅ Click here to follow the g1 Enem channel on WhatsApp How to write a successful conclusion? At the conclusion, the main mission is to prepare a complete intervention proposal, designed to solve the problem proposed in that edition of the test. For example: in 2022, the theme was “Challenges for valuing traditional communities and peoples in Brazil”. It would therefore be necessary to present arguments that defend a thesis and, at the end of the text, write an idea of ​​how to solve, in a concrete way, the issue. This proposal must make clear what: the action: what is the suggested initiative? the agent: who should perform the action? the means of execution: how will the “project” be put into practice? the purpose: what is the objective? detailing: what other information can be added to clarify the proposal? See what cannot be missing in the conclusion of the Enem Arte/g1 essay. Inep, in the Participant’s Handbook, warns: “Avoid vague, generic or incompatible proposals with the discussion, as well as structures that do not allow you to be sure that you is, in fact, proposing an intervention.” If you choose to present more than one solution, that’s okay! Only one of them needs to fulfill all the items on the list above. And don’t forget to respect human rights when suggesting an initiative (that is, not violating dignity, equality, secularism of the State, democracy and the principle of environmental sustainability). Quiz time In the test below, g1 selected conclusions written by students who scored a thousand in Enem essays in recent years. In some cases, excerpts from the original version were removed. See if you are able to detect which “pieces” were removed: Enem Essay: test if you know how to identify a conclusion with a thousand marks Enem Dates 2023 November 5th 45 language questions (40 in Portuguese and 5 in English or Spanish) ; 45 human science questions; and writing. November 12th 45 math questions; and 45 natural science questions. See the application times (in the Brasília time zone): Gates open: 12pm Gates close: 1pm Start of tests: 1:30pm End of tests on the 1st day: 7pm End of tests on the 2nd day: 6:30pm ChatGPT is a good essay corrector from Enem? Discover Video See tips from those who got a thousand marks in their essay: See tips from students who got a thousand marks in their Enem 2022 essay


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