Former President Dilma Rousseff| Photo: Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil

Former president Dilma Rousseff (PT) pointed to the reform of secondary education as one of her campaign promises in 2014, when she ran for re-election. The matter came to the fore Folha de S. Paulothis Tuesday (3), after the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announced the suspension of the new high school.

The newspaper pointed out that in an advertising piece aired that year, Dilma defended the reformulation of the bars. “It’s crystal clear that we need to do a major overhaul of secondary education, starting with the curriculum,” he says.

At the time, the former president criticized the excessive number of subjects, 12, and in interviews she even declared that, in this way, teaching was not attractive for young people. The curriculum reformulation of the stage as a priority of his mandate, became one of the axes of Brazil, Pátria Educadora. “We know that this is a fragile area in our educational system”, admitted the official.