Deputy resubmits request to the CPI on Abuse of Authority by the STF and TSE

Deputy resubmits request to the CPI on Abuse of Authority by the STF and TSE


Federal deputy Marcel van Hattem (Novo-RS) is again gathering signatures for the creation of a Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI) to investigate cases of abuse of authority practiced by ministers of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and the Superior Electoral Court ( TSE).

According to a note from the parliamentarian, among the points that must be analyzed are the violation of fundamental rights and guarantees provided for in the Constitution, the practice of arbitrary conduct without observing due legal process, including the adoption of censorship and acts of abuse of authority against parliamentarians , media and even citizens. The CPI will have the chance to “cut the queue” of parliamentary inquiry commissions at the beginning of the next legislature, starting on Wednesday, February 1st.

The new application presents several recent cases of arbitrariness by the Judiciary, such as the decision by Minister Alexandre de Moraes to block the bank accounts of 43 people and companies suspected of financing allegedly anti-democratic acts, businessmen targeted by a search and seizure operation, in addition to blocking of bank accounts and social networks, due to private WhatsApp group conversations.

Censorship of media and parliamentarians

Cases of censorship of communication vehicles such as Jovem Pan, the newspaper Gazeta do Povo and Brasil Paralelo are also mentioned, as well as decisions involving parliamentarians who had their accounts on social networks blocked, disrespecting article 53 of the Constitution, which states that “ deputies and senators are inviolable, civilly and criminally, for any of their opinions, words and vote”. The document also points out that the constant abuses have been the subject of reports and articles, including by the international press such as the North American newspapers The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.

“The abuses began with the fake news inquiry, which was instituted ex officio and without the proper participation of the Public Ministry and not observing the principle of the natural judge. No wonder, former Supreme Minister Marco Aurélio Mello said that the inquiry is an affront to Brazil’s adversarial system and called it the “End of the World Inquiry”. expression, freedom of opinion and parliamentary immunity on the part of ministers of the Supreme Court and TSE”, says the deputy.

Previous order was filed due to “lack of time”

In November 2022, the parliamentarian filed a similar request with the Board of Directors of the Chamber, but which ended up not being installed with the “argument” that there was not enough time for the work to be carried out. At the time Hattem got 181 signatures – ten more than the minimum required – in less than 48 hours.

“It would be a production of work without effectiveness. I suggested to your excellency [Van Hattem] that, at the beginning of the new legislature, it would do the same work for the same mixed CPI. In this case, in addition to not having any kind of obstacle to its installation, so that no one can be treated this way, it would be more effective”, said Lira at the time.


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