Deputies take their wives on an international “mission”

Deputies take their wives on an international “mission”


Federal deputies took their wives on the trip to Barcelona and Tel Aviv, where they participated in events in the area of ​​technology and innovation. The offices of deputies Aliel Machado (PV-PR) and Domingos Neto (PSD-CE) confirmed the presence of their wives on the trip, but stated that they paid their expenses. Expenses with 98 trips by 76 deputies this year already add up to R$ 1.3 million.

Machado received five nights worth R$ 11,400. His advisory told the blog that the expenses related to accommodation, food and tickets for the deputy’s wife were paid with their own resources. The blog requested the receipt of the wife’s accommodation to be sent. The deputy replied that, “since he is not a public person, there is no public interest in the requested documents”.

Neto was entitled to 9.5 days worth R$ 21.7 thousand. The deputy’s advisory stated to the blog that “the Chamber does not pay accommodation for deputies or companions on mission”. The blog argued that the Chamber pays per diems that cover travel expenses, including accommodation. The advisor replied that “he paid for the ticket, her per diem and even returned one per diem”.

Other deputies who were part of the entourage – Vitor Lippi (PSDB-SP), Paulão (PT-AL), André Figueiredo (PDT-CE) and Danilo Forte (União-CE) – told the blog that they were not accompanied by their wives. Davi Soares (União-SP) and Augusto Coutinho (Republicanos-PE) did not respond to the blog’s questions.

presidential entourage

The participation of 26 deputies in the presidential delegations to Beijing and Lisbon cost the public coffers BRL 216 thousand, considering only the 98 days. The 17 deputies who went to China received a total of 60 days worth R$ 131,000. On the trip to Portugal, nine deputies received R$ 85,000 for 38 nights.

There was no expense with airline tickets because the deputies traveled on official aircraft. The Presidency of the Republic does not inform the operating cost of these jets for safety reasons. But it does not explain why disclosing that figure would put the president and his entourage at risk.

The trip for the eight deputies who were at the information technology fairs in Barcelona and Tel Aviv cost R$ 184,000. Adding to the expenses of the senators who reinforced the entourage – Weverton (PDT-MA) and Efraim Filho (União-PB) – the expense reached R$ 260 thousand. A blog report showed that 35 senators spent on international trips this year the same amount spent by deputies – R$ 1.3 million

In the most expensive “official mission”, ten deputies spent BRL 218,000 on a trip to Paris for the meeting of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in early May. Tickets alone cost R$ 118,000. On business class flights, the ticket for Sidney Leite (PSD-AM) cost R$ 32.8 thousand, while that of Saullo Vianna (União-AM) reached R$ 33.2 thousand. For the same event, the ticket for Célio Studart (PSD-CE) cost R$ 10.4 thousand. Eduardo Bismarck’s (PDT-CE) was R$ 7.9 thousand.


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