Department of Education holds mobilization and pedagogical guidance event

Department of Education holds mobilization and pedagogical guidance event


Exactly 25 days before the start of the application of the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb) 2023 tests across the country, this Thursday (28), the State Department of Education and School Sports promoted the event “One Step from Saeb: Guidelines for S-Day”intensification and mobilization activity for the final stretch before the national exam.

With lectures, strategies and presentations of successful initiatives, the meeting brought together, in addition to the secretariat, school directors, district, regional and pedagogical coordinators from the state education network.

Scheduled for October 18th, Saeb’s Day S will feature specific pedagogical actions for the last moments before the tests are administered with the school community, including those responsible for the students. The strategy, which will take place in the teaching units that will take the test, consists of distributing guiding scripts with basic information from Saeb, which will be discussed between teachers, parents and/or guardians and students on that day.

With the application window scheduled between October 23rd and November 10th, Saeb is one of the main mechanisms in Brazilian society to assess the quality of Basic Education, being carried out every two years. The grades for each state in the country in the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb), for example, are calculated based on the average student grades in the Saeb, together with the pass, fail and dropout rates, determined by the School Census. Ideb is the main quality indicator of Education in Brazil.

“When we talk about growing at Ideb, we are not just talking about improving the index, but about growing in the quality of teaching, in the effective learning of our students. We have unique characteristics when doing Education in Amazonas. I want to thank Governor Wilson Lima for this journey, because there is not a project, program or decision that does not have his support and our education professionals, who go above and beyond every day to do their best”,

highlighted the Secretary of Education, Kuka Chaves.

Saeb is carried out among classes in the 5th and 9th years of Elementary School and the 3rd year of High School in public and private schools. In 2021, more than 5 million students across the country took the tests. In 2023, approximately 100 thousand students from the Amazonas state network will take the tests.


The afternoon of mobilization began with a dynamic of presentations by representatives of the grades that will take Saeb 2023. The departments of the Pedagogical Deputy Executive Secretariat (Seap), of the Department of Education, also presented the pedagogical actions planned for S-Day and for the window application of the test.

“For Day S, the Seap team prepared itineraries with guidance for managers, teachers, students and guardians, with the main information regarding Saeb. This is an effort by all departments of this Secretariat, which wants to integrate the entire school community”,

emphasized the pedagogical deputy executive secretary of the Department of Education, Arlete Mendonça.

Intense calendar

Throughout the 2023 school calendar, the Department of Education has developed an active dialogue between the pedagogical team and education professionals who make up the state education network. Whether with training meetings and sharing of successful practices, such as “Time to Assess: Dialogues and Reflections”, or with the feedback, to all district coordinators, of the results of internal tests such as the Amazonas Learning Assessment (Avam).

The result of strengthening this relationship is seen in the final phase of the entire process, that is, in schools. Teaching units have developed, in the capital and in the interior, programs that enable students to understand Saeb, as well as to take advantage of initiatives that promote education in creative ways.

This is the case at EE Maria Amélia do Espírito Santo, in the center-west area of ​​Manaus, where preparation for the Saeb takes place with two monthly simulations, based on the Portuguese Language and Mathematics descriptors of the assessment. Every week, the school’s 532 high school students also receive specific classes on Saeb topics, after regular classes.

“Our preparation started at the beginning of the year, before classes started. Even at the Pedagogical Days, Saeb was already discussed. Afterwards, we seek to involve the entire school community, from the lunch lady to the person responsible for the student. In this final stretch, we will intensify even more”,

shared the unit manager, Elisângela Guedes.

The Amazonas Government’s efforts in education have shown results. The state advanced in the latest Ideb results released by the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), in 2022. After rising four positions compared to the previous assessment, carried out in 2021, the The state became the 5th best in the ranking among Brazilian states, in Elementary Education, and the 8th best in Secondary Education.

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