Companies have until today to opt for Simples Nacional

Companies have until today to opt for Simples Nacional



Around 1.1 million new participants are expected

The deadline for micro and small companies to opt for Simples Nacional, the Special Unified Regime for the Collection of Taxes and Contributions, ends this Wednesday (31). According to the Federal Revenue Service, around 1.1 million new participants are expected this year.

To participate, the enterprise must prove fiscal regularity, such as payment of labor and social security taxes, as provided by law. If there is any irregularity, the system for adhering to the regime itself, on the Simples Nacional Portal, points out the pending issue.

To do this, the taxpayer simply needs to choose the option “Monitoring the Formalization of the Option for Simples Nacional”. There you can access the Pending Report, which brings together observations and instructions to resolve irregularities, such as forms of installments and transactions offered by the Federal Revenue Service.

The regulatory deadline applies to companies that are already in operation and have not yet opted in, and, after confirmation, has retroactive effect to January 1, 2024. Taxpayers who have already been in Simples Nacional since 2023 are not subject to this deadline.


Individual microentrepreneurs (MEI) who want to join Simples Nacional also need to request membership to the fixed monthly payment system, Simei. The deadline also ends today and the legal obligations required are the same.

Special diet

To opt for Simples Nacional, the micro or small company must earn a limit of R$4.8 million per year. For MEI, the annual revenue limit is R$81 thousand.

The option for the special regime allows the taxpayer to collect on the same tab, at a single rate, federal taxes together with the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS), collected by states and the Federal District, and the Tax on Services ( ISS), collected by the municipality.

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Micro and small companies can join Simples Nacional until Wednesday


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