Bolsonaro’s management at Caixa thwarted gains of BRL 300 million – 06/14/2023 – Panel SA

Bolsonaro’s management at Caixa thwarted gains of BRL 300 million – 06/14/2023 – Panel SA


Payroll and microcredit, two measures implemented by former president Daniella Marques in the middle of the election campaign, thwarted Caixa Econômica Federal’s earnings last year by around R$ 300 million and this penalized the bank’s employees.

People who participated in the discussions about the two programs of the Jair Bolsonaro government say that they had an impact on Caixa’s accounts. Around 1,300 employees had to return resources paid as PLR, the well-known profit sharing.

Via advisory, the bank reported that it has not yet accounted for these numbers, but denies that the measures have had an impact on the bank’s profit. Former president Daniella Marques declined to comment.

This group, made up of bank employees in leadership positions and executives, returned amounts ranging from R$1,000 to R$10,000 in March of this year, when they would supposedly receive the second installment of the projected profit (the largest) in 2022.

According to lawyers and technicians involved in this reckoning, adjustments in values ​​occur frequently, but never in Caixa’s history has employees returned PLR.

Caixa distributed R$ 1.2 billion in PLR and 92% of employees received R$ 4 thousand.

TCU and Caixa itself are investigating the payroll offered to beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil, a program that replaced Bolsa Família during the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), and the bank’s microfinance program.

Both were implemented on the eve of the 2022 elections and, according to the bank’s current president, Rita Serrano, “with an excessive appeal to the vulnerable population’s indebtedness”.

Defaults on the microfinance program exceeded 80%, and most of the losses will be covered by the FGM (Fundo Garantidor de Microfinancas), which uses money from the FGTS (Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço).

In the period in which it worked, the payroll transferred BRL 7.6 billion to almost 3 million Caixa customers. In microloans, R$ 3 billion were granted to 3.9 million customers.

With Diego Felix

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