Beach in São Paulo? Themed bar has a pool, sand courts and stage for shows

Beach in São Paulo?  Themed bar has a pool, sand courts and stage for shows


Located in the East Zone of the capital, the establishment offers monthly plans and receives around 3,500 customers per week. Beach in São Paulo? Themed bar has a swimming pool, sand courts and a stage for shows. A “beach” located 100 kilometers from the sea. It seems strange, but this is the proposal for a themed bar located in the East Zone of São Paulo (SP). Lucas Nicolau is the creator of the space, which has six other partners. According to him, it took almost two years to design and build the bar club, on a 2,700 square meter plot of land. In a city with thousands of competing bars, he innovated: “This visual identity that we provide with a beach theme is our differentiator. For me, it is a great joy to be able to provide this enterprise for society.” And, when it comes to bars, taking care of your appearance is essential! With that in mind, Lucas started serving drinks in a bathtub with rubber duckies 🦆. In addition to the pool bar, the space has four sand courts for beach tennis and footvolley, and a stage for shows, with capacity for more than a thousand people. The place also has partnerships with small businesses, such as craft beer suppliers, packaging companies and footvolley teachers. Lucas trains with the team every week and has everything that needs to be done detailed. For example: when and how to arrange chairs and tables, pre-preparation of food and how to make and garnish each drink, which must be served within 10 minutes. Maintaining space is expensive. There are electricity bills, water bills, employees, taxes, but the businessman found a way to make things easier: create a monthly plan. This is how the bar keeps revenue recurring. To use the pool and court at will, the customer pays from R$250 per month and has discounts on consumption. In 18 months, the forecast is to reach the mark of 500 members. Every week, around 3,500 customers visit the “São Paulo beach”. Each person spends between R$80 and R$100. “The experience is what will make the customer return and spread the word. It’s free marketing that we have.” See the full report in the video above. Praia da Tiquatira Beach Club Address: Av. Governador Carvalho Pinto, 2603, Penha, São Paulo (SP) Telephone: (11) 98820-4233 E-mail: [email protected] Instagram:


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