Banco do Brasil apologizes for slavery in the 19th century

Banco do Brasil apologizes for slavery in the 19th century


MPF investigation against the bank was provoked by university professors| Photo: Marcelo Elias/Gazeta do Povo

The president of Banco do Brasil, Tarciana Medeiros, apologized this Saturday (18) for the financial institution’s actions during the period of slavery in the country. In September, the bank became the target of an investigation by the Federal Public Ministry for participating in the slavery of black people in Brazil in the 19th century.

The investigation was launched after a demonstration by professors and university students who stated that the bank had on its board of directors and members, in that century, people linked to the trafficking of Africans and slavery. The apology issued this Saturday is part of an agreement with the MPF.

“Directly or indirectly, all of Brazilian society should apologize to black people for any kind of participation in that sad moment in history. In this context, today’s Banco do Brasil asks black people for forgiveness for its predecessor versions and works intensely to confront structural racism in the country”, stated Tarciana.

The BB president also stated that the bank does not shy away from deepening its knowledge and facing the real history of the company’s previous versions.

“But the simple fact that we are a current institution moves us to carry out voluntary activities with public commitment and with concrete goals to combat ethnic-racial inequality and seek social justice within a society that bears the consequences of slavery, regardless of whether or not there is any connection, even if indirect, between the activities of its other versions and enslavers of the 19th century”, he highlighted.

As part of the agreement, the financial institution will carry out a series of actions aimed at combating racism, such as promoting the job market for black people, helping to direct young people from the Menor Aprendiz program to the job market and changes to the criteria for BB Foundation Social Technology Award.

BB also informs that it will have an acceleration and career development program for black and brown employees. Up to 150 black people will be identified with the potential to act as leaders in the company, and who will have assistance with qualification and priority for appointments to positions such as executive manager, state superintendent and other management positions.


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