Affected by tragedies such as Kiss and Brumadinho nightclubs hold seminar in MG – 01/13/2024 – Panel

Affected by tragedies such as Kiss and Brumadinho nightclubs hold seminar in MG – 01/13/2024 – Panel


Representatives of victims of several emblematic tragedies in recent years, such as those at the Kiss, Mariana, Brumadinho and Braskem nightclubs, will participate in a seminar on January 22 to discuss holding those responsible accountable and measures to prevent new disasters.

The event, promoted by Avabrum (Association of Families of Victims and Those Affected by the Breakdown of the Mina Córrego do Feijão-Brumadinho Dam), will take place at the city’s City Council in Minas Gerais and will serve to mark five years since the collapse of a Vale dam that left 270 dead.

In addition to family members of disaster victims, representatives of Justice bodies, the Federal Police and the Public Ministry will participate.

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