Acácio wants housing assistance for military servants from former territories guaranteed by federal law – News of Brazil

Acácio wants housing assistance for military servants from former territories guaranteed by federal law – News of Brazil


Deputy Acácio Favacho filed an amendment that deals with the revocation of the suspension of housing assistance for federal military servants and former territories of the Military Police and Firefighters. Favacho anticipates that the Chamber of Deputies should vote on Provisional Measure 1181/23, which institutes the Program to Combat the Social Security Queue and provides for the transformation of vacant effective positions in the federal Executive Branch. The amendment authored by him is intended to guarantee the legal and financial security necessary to protect the remuneration of these servants.

“In Amapá, this amendment will benefit 852 military personnel who are still seeking the said benefit in court, thus improving their monthly remuneration by around 15%. It is important to emphasize that the amounts mentioned are already granted to the military of the Federal District through the resources provided by the Union through the Constitutional Fund of the Federal District (FCDF), which demonstrates the lack of financial impact of the proposal presented here. Our proposal will not entail new expenses”, explains.

The parliamentarian emphasizes that the amendment aims to guarantee the Assistance, within what TCU requires, must be defined in federal law, bringing legal and financial security necessary to protect the remuneration of the military of the Federal District, the former territories and the former District Federal.

“With regard to the financial and budgetary issue, it is important to emphasize that the amounts mentioned are already granted to the military of the Federal District through the resources provided by the Union through the Constitutional Fund of the Federal District (FCDF), which demonstrates the lack of financial impact of the proposal presented here. Therefore, there is no budgetary impact and will not entail new expenses”, concludes.


The amendment is necessary in view of the legal uncertainty arising from the decision handed down in Judgment 1.724/23 of the TCU to the Chamber, from the report of Minister Aroldo Cedraz, who alleges that the amounts received today by the category, are defective in reason, that the table of current values ​​has the values ​​established by means of Decree 35.181/14. Currently, the TCU decision determines that the value of the Housing Allowance that is currently paid be suspended and Decree 35.181/14 be revoked, which will result in a loss of about 18% of the net remuneration of military servants in the Federal District, former -territories and the former Federal District, which has Law No. 10,486 as the basis for remuneration.

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