Urbanism: Promoter meets with Governor to address population demands – News of Brazil

Urbanism: Promoter meets with Governor to address population demands – News of Brazil


The holder of the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Urban Planning, Housing, Sanitation, Public Policies on Traffic and Transport, Urban Mobility, Sports and Cultural Events, promoter André Araújo, received the governor of Amapá, Clécio Luis, at the Citizen Complex in the North Zone. The reason for the institutional visit was to establish a first contact with the new manager, aiming at solving structural problems and environmental, cultural, social impact and on the quality of life of the population.

Problems related to water supply, macro drainage, maintenance of state highways, urban mobility, housing complexes and irregular occupations were dealt with at the meeting. After questioning the prosecutor, Clécio Luis said he was aware of and following up on these situations, and that the secretaries of the related portfolios are responsible for presenting planning based on technical studies to be concluded soon.

The promoter highlighted the problems of urban mobility on state highways, and recommended planning for the implementation of bicycle lanes, footbridges and renovation of signage. The governor informed that the works on the Duca Serra and Josmar Chaves Pinto highways, which connect Macapá to the west of the state, will be technically analyzed so that they can then be lighted and signaled, as well as the corrected drainage, but the management is still working to solve budget problems that currently make such interventions difficult.

Regarding the maintenance of public facilities of sporting and cultural value, such as Teatro das Bacabeiras, Fortaleza de São José, Estádio Zerão, Macapá Hotel and the Governor’s Official Residence, Clécio clarified that these are situations that are under analysis. He cited the example of the Stadium, which he has already inspected and which should soon be improved. The Fortress, whose intention is to be revitalized through the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) to then be exploited economically and touristically, and the theater, whose project needs to be reassessed. Regarding the Macapá Hotel and Residence, he informed that the proposal is to revitalize them from the historical point of view, rescuing the original architecture, and then transforming them into cultural spaces.

The prosecutor also highlighted the need to seek a solution for the Santa Inês Pier project, which is the subject of a Public Civil Action by the Amapá Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP-AP). Clécio Luis replied that the real condition of the site will be evaluated, to verify the possibility of reusing the already built structure and finalize the construction.

The state governor and prosecutor André Araújo have committed to meeting again so that the government can present the plans and studies related to the identified demands. “The Public Ministry’s questions are pertinent and we are aware that they need to be resolved. We came up against the budget issue to provide effective answers, because today we have works to be completed that depend 100% on the State to make them viable”.

At the end of the meeting, the holder of the Urbanism Prosecutor’s Office thanked the governor for his willingness to listen to the MP-AP’s demands, noting that the demands come from the population itself, who seek the ministerial body on a daily basis. “We understand that there has been a recent change in management, and therefore it is important to establish this line of dialogue, giving the manager the opportunity to present his proposals and solutions. This is also the role of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.concluded the prosecutor.

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