8/1: STF has majority to uphold former PM-DF summit – 02/14/2024 – Power

8/1: STF has majority to uphold former PM-DF summit – 02/14/2024 – Power


The First Panel of the STF (Supreme Federal Court) formed a majority to make defendants seven former members of the Federal District’s Military Police leadership accused of failure to act in the coup attacks on January 8 last year.

They were denounced by the PGR (Attorney General’s Office), and the case is analyzed through the court’s virtual plenary, in a session that takes place until the 20th. Until then, the trial can still be stopped.

The police officers were also accused of attempted coup d’état and violent abolition of the democratic rule of law, qualified damage and deterioration of listed property.

The case rapporteur, Alexandre de Moraes, and ministers Cristiano Zanin and Cármen Lúcia have already voted in favor of accepting the complaint. Minister Luiz Fux has not yet voted.

The then general commander of the PM-DF Fábio Augusto Vieira, the former deputy general commander Klepter Rosa, three colonels, a major and a lieutenant were denounced.

The PM-DF leadership is in preventive arrest (without a fixed period of time) by order of Moraes.

According to the Attorney General’s Office, the police subjectively joined the criminal actions of the coup plotters who vandalized the headquarters of the three Powers, instead of acting to prevent the destruction of public buildings.

The PGR, states Moraes in his vote, “indicated the various omissions, in theory intentional, carried out by those responsible for public security in the Federal District and which contributed to the commission of the criminal acts of January 8, 2023”.

“The facts covered in this contextualization date back to the period prior to the acts of January 8 and demonstrate a possible criminal organization whose purpose is to destabilize republican institutions, especially those that can oppose, in a constitutionally foreseen manner, illegal or unconstitutional acts , such as the National Congress and the Federal Supreme Court”, stated the minister.

According to investigations, there were exchanges of scam-related messages before the events.

“The criminal conduct attributed to those denounced by the Attorney General’s Office proves to be extremely serious, constituting an improper and criminal use of the structure of the Military Police of the Federal District with the aim of breaking the democratic order, through the violent seizure of the buildings of the Powers of the Republic” , said Moraes in his vote.


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