What are the goals for education until 2034? With delay, the final text of the new PNE will be presented this Tuesday; MEC will forward to Congress

What are the goals for education until 2034?  With delay, the final text of the new PNE will be presented this Tuesday;  MEC will forward to Congress


Civil society, including teachers, students and education entities, discussed what strategies should be in schools and universities over the next 10 years. Ministry should have delivered the text to Congress by June 2023. President Lula participates in Conae 2024 Reproduction With delay, the final text that will serve as the basis for the creation of the National Education Plan (PNE) 2024-2034 — a document that outlines the goals and strategies for improving Brazilian education — was discussed by representatives of civil society in recent days and will be presented this Tuesday (30), at the National Education Conference (Conae), in Brasília. ⌚Race against the clock: By the deadline set by law, the Ministry of Education (MEC) should have already analyzed the result of this debate and delivered a bill to the National Congress in June 2023. In the last cycle of the PNE, from 2014 to 2024, processing of the text began in 2010 and took almost 4 years until approval. Goals for education The Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, stated that the objective of the future PNE is to “end the differences between the poor and rich in Brazil”. “Our commitment is to universalize all permanence scholarships for indigenous people in Brazilian universities. What we are doing here, in addition to bringing the debate back to education, is contributing to the formulation of the PNE”, he said. In the last cycle of the PNE, from 2014-2024, there were 20 goals, such as: universalizing access to early childhood education by 2016 (objective not yet achieved; current rate is 93%); offer comprehensive education in at least 50% of public schools (2022 level was 34.4%); increase the population’s literacy rate to more than 93.5% by 2015 (goal achieved in 2017); increase the average education level of Brazilians aged 18 to 29 to at least 12 years of study (2022 result was 11.7 years). 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦After 7 years, discussion once again involves civil society participation Conae 2024 represents the return of civil society participation in the PNE debate: The conference is organized by the National Education Fund (FNE), created by the MEC in 2010 to represent different sectors of society (there were social movements involved, for example). In 2017, then-president Michel Temer interfered in the composition of the FNE and left out students, teachers and organizations related to academic research. Conae in 2018 and 2022 did not have significant participation from civil society, therefore. In March 2023, by means of a decree, President Lula determined that Conae 2024 would be “held with the objective of enabling the representative participation of educational segments and sectors of civil society in the preparation of the PNE”. videos


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