In her decision, Minister Rosa Weber, of the STF, considered that pardoning those involved in the massacre could constitute a violation of the recommendations of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS.| Photo: Roberto Jayme/Ascom/TSE

Minister Rosa Weber, president of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), provisionally suspended this Tuesday (17) excerpts from the decree of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) that authorized the granting of pardons to military police officers convicted of the Carandiru massacre.

The injunction was granted in response to a Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADI), proposed by the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), which maintains, among other points, that the excerpt of the presidential decree affronts human dignity and the principles of international law. public.

In her decision, the minister considered that pardoning those involved in the massacre could constitute a violation of the recommendations of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS, in the sense that Brazil promotes the investigation, prosecution and serious and effective punishment of those responsible for the crime. .

“To that extent, in a court of strict deliberation, and until a better analysis of the matter after the opening of the Judiciary Year by the eminent Rapporteur, I consider it prudent, in order to avoid the immediate consummation of irreversible concrete effects, the granting of the injunction, with the suspension of the devices contested by the Attorney General of the Republic in this direct action of unconstitutionality”, points out the minister in the decision.

“Such suspension, as I understand it, proves to be a measure of caution and prudence, not only due to the possibility of exhausting the effects of the Presidential Decree in question before the definitive assessment of the requests deduced in this case, but also to prevent the materialization of irreversible effects, conferring the necessary legal security for all those involved”, points out the minister.