Unicamp approves quotas for blacks and browns in graduate school with a minimum reserve of 25% of vacancies

Unicamp approves quotas for blacks and browns in graduate school with a minimum reserve of 25% of vacancies


Consu confirmed the measure despite the fact that 11 institutes or colleges already have their own programs. The expectation is that the percentage of vacancies will reach 37.2%. Students during Calourada 2022 at Unicamp Antoninho Perri/SEC Unicamp Unicamp’s University Council (Consu) approved the application of ethnic-racial quotas in graduate courses at all university institutes. The minimum percentage of vacancies for the model is 25%, but the goal is to reach up to 37.2% – which is the share of self-declared black and brown residents in the state of São Paulo. When does it start working? According to the university, all postgraduate programs must consider the new rule in the next selection processes. Despite the approval on Tuesday night (3), the institutes already had authorization to include affirmative action in the programs. One example is the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH), which has applied the measure since 2015 and was the first to adhere to it at the university. In all, 11 institutes or colleges already have the program – six of which are already applying and another five expected to start in this year’s processes. Number of black and brown students grows 61.6%, but is less than a third of the total undergraduate What about other groups? At the same Consu meeting, an indication was approved that, according to Unicamp, opens up the possibility of adopting postgraduate quotas for other marginalized social groups. Without detailing which groups these would be, Unicamp stated that they are “those who are unable to compete on an equal footing in the selection processes due to historical and cultural factors involving inequality and marginalization”. Students at the Unicamp campus Antonio Scarpinetti / Unicamp And at graduation? In these courses, Unicamp already has quotas since the 2019 entrance exam. A survey released a year ago pointed out that, with the measure, the number of self-declared black and brown students grew 61.6% between 2018 and 2022. at the end of 2022, 20,800 students, 5,700 of whom are black – which meant 27.7% of the total. Post-doc researchers Unicamp also communicated the publication of a public notice prepared by Unicamp that provides for the reservation of ethnic-racial vacancies for post-doc researchers. VIDEOS: highlights from the Campinas region See more news from the region at g1 Campinas


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