TCE Amapá members and employees can allocate part of their income tax to projects aimed at children and adolescents – News of Brazil

TCE Amapá members and employees can allocate part of their income tax to projects aimed at children and adolescents – News of Brazil


The Amapá Court of Auditors joined the fourth edition of the “Surrender to childhood” campaign. The initiative, by the National Council of Justice (CNJ) in partnership with the Federal Revenue Service and with the support of the Association of Members of the Courts of Auditors (Atricon), allows members and employees of the Court of Auditors to allocate a maximum of 3% of the tax due , directly in the Declaration for the Funds for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (National, District, State and Municipal). The amounts contribute to financing projects that promote the rights of children and adolescents.

The Income Tax Declaration period is now in effect. Individual taxpayers can allocate up to 3% of the tax due directly in the Declaration to the Funds for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (National, District, State and Municipal). To allocate, it is necessary to choose the Declaration for Legal Deductions (Complete Declaration).

The program made available by the IRS calculates the individual limit value automatically after the declaration is filled in with income and expense information. The possibility of allocation and the percentage are already defined by law. It is important that the taxpayer knows that there is no additional cost for him, since it is not a donation, it is a destination. In other words, instead of allocating all of the Tax to the Union, he chooses to allocate part of it to an institution that protects the rights of children and adolescents.

The tax benefit, that is, the reduction in income tax payable or increase in the amount of income tax to be refunded, only occurs after payment of the collection document (Darf) generated in the program, which must be carried out until the last declaration day (May 31, 2024).

The CNJ has been promoting the “Se Renda à Infância” campaign since 2021, aiming to encourage the implementation of projects aimed at promoting the rights and citizenship of children and adolescents, especially those in situations of risk and vulnerability, for example, in a protective measure of reception or in compliance with socio-educational measures.

The campaign was also endorsed based on studies and discussions carried out within the scope of the National Pact for Early Childhood. At TCE Amapá, the Early Childhood Commission is coordinated by counselor Marilia Góes. The pact is an instrument that establishes technical and operational cooperation to improve the infrastructure necessary to protect children’s interests and brings together actors involved in the issue.

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