Tarcísio Government appoints 3rd woman to Court of Justice – 02/16/2024 – Panel

Tarcísio Government appoints 3rd woman to Court of Justice – 02/16/2024 – Panel


The Tarcísio de Freitas (Republican) government nominated the third woman to judge at the Court of Justice of the state of São Paulo.

Débora Bandão was appointed last Wednesday (14) to a vacancy for the fifth constitutional dedicated to law.

Previously, Ana Paula Patiño had been nominated, also for a vacancy destined for law, and Marcia Monassi, a graduate of the Public Ministry.

“In one year of government, three vacancies in the TJSP’s constitutional fifth, three competent women appointed”, says the state’s Secretary of Justice, Fábio Prieto.

One of the practical consequences of these appointments, according to state management, is to differentiate itself from the federal government, which did not appoint any women to the STF (Supreme Federal Court).

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