Sustanon and Deca-Durabolin: see risks of anabolic steroids – 03/16/2023 – Equilíbrio

Sustanon and Deca-Durabolin: see risks of anabolic steroids – 03/16/2023 – Equilíbrio


The illegal use of prescription drugs such as anabolic steroids has gained a new warning: counterfeits. Fake batches of Deca-Durabolin and Sustanon were banned and seized by Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) last week. Long misused for aesthetic purposes, drugs were originally prescribed to replace hormones in organisms that do not produce them properly. When used without recommendation in healthy individuals, they cause serious side effects, ranging from physical changes to death.

Common in bodybuilding and fight gyms, drugs are mainly sought by men who want to achieve aesthetic goals more quickly. Deca-Durabolin and Sustanon are used, often associated, to promote muscle mass gain and fat loss in a period that the body alone would not be able to. The health risks, however, are high.

Personal trainers and sports coaches consulted by Sheet they say that the consumption of anabolic steroids to gain muscle mass and improve performance is commonplace, but few users agree to speak openly about the subject.

The SBEM (Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism) is against the practice due to the risks, which range from excess acne, voice changes, breast growth in men and clitoris in women, to severe liver damage, decreased fertility, problems heart attacks and sudden death.

“They are two important medicines to treat diseases. The side effects are associated with their inappropriate use”, says Alexandre Hohl, vice-president of the department of Female Endocrinology, Andrology and Transgenderism at the institution.

To gain muscle mass for aesthetic purposes, the drugs must be used in doses much higher than indicated on the package insert, which creates a high risk for users, says Hohl.

“A man who does not produce testosterone adequately will make a [injeção de] Sustanon every 15 or 20 days. The guys who do anabolic steroids make ten, 20 ampoules a month of this type of hormones”, says the doctor.

The vice-president points out that drug counterfeiting is an old problem and aggravated by misuse, since the prescribed medicine needs to be bought with a prescription and at the pharmacy.

The fake batches were marketed under the brand name “Schering-Plough”. The registrations of this pharmaceutical for the drugs, however, were canceled due to the transfer of ownership to Aspen Pharma Indústria Farmacêutica, and occurred, at the time, “by commercial initiative of the companies themselves”, according to Anvisa.

Aspen Pharma’s versions of Deca-Durabolin and Sustanon, complainant and current registration holder, remain authorized for sale.

The photo of the seized products shows recent manufacture and a valid expiration date. As the sale of medicines is controlled, patients with prescriptions who seek medicines at lower prices on the internet and those who buy without a prescription for aesthetic purposes through illegal trade are more exposed to the problem.

Deca-Durabolin’s active ingredient is nandrolone decanoate and is indicated for testosterone replacement in men with conditions associated with hypogonadism, which causes hormone deficiency. Sustanon, on the other hand, is based on testosterone esters and is recommended to rebuild tissues weakened by chronic diseases or serious damage, such as HIV or burns.

MMA athlete João Lopes, 29, has already resorted to anabolic steroids. He claims that it is common among fighters to use performance-enhancing substances, with testosterone-based substances being the most common.

“It increases your training capacity, strength, muscle gains. A professional athlete trains two to three times a day, one who does not use the drug cannot train at high performance for a long time, due to injuries and physical fatigue ’ he says.

What was once a guarantee of victory, however, is no longer due to the new competition policies. Lopes says that in the past the tests were done during the week of the fight and, thus, the athletes had enough time to use the product, obtain the results and remove the substance from the body through diuretics.

“With the professionalization of events, the anti-doping commissions prohibit diuretics in the sport and the tests are done in a random and non-systematized way, being able to catch the athlete in his gym in the middle of a training and months before his fight” , he says.


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