Councilwoman Marielle Franco and driver Anderson Gomes were executed in 2018.| Photo: City Hall of Rio de Janeiro/disclosure

The Superior Court of Justice (STJ) authorized this Tuesday (18) the relatives of Marielle Franco to have access to the evidence of the investigation that investigates the orders of the murder of the city councilor of Rio de Janeiro and the driver Anderson Gomes. The decision was motivated by an appeal filed by Marielle’s family against a decision by the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice (TJ-RJ) that prevented access to the inquiry.

The case is accompanied by the defense of Mônica Benício and Marinete da Silva, Marielle’s widow and mother, and Agatha Arnaus, Anderson’s widow, informed Agência Brasil. Lawyer Luciana Pivatto, representative of the families, said that the trial is crucial for finding out who killed the councilwoman and the driver.

“There is no way to suggest that access by family members would pose a risk to the investigations. The petitioners, as the victims’ relatives, are the most interested in preserving secrecy, in the efficient conduct of investigations, as they wish and have dedicated their lives to achieving justice for Marielle and Anderson”, said the lawyer.

When analyzing the appeal, Minister Rogério Schietti, rapporteur for the petition, understood that the family has the right to access the evidence already documented. “The victim’s right of access to what is contained in the police investigation flows directly from the republican principle. It is an essential measure for the offended party to guarantee the right to truth, memory, justice and due reparation”, he argued. The vote was unanimously followed by the Sixth Panel.

In another case on the investigation, retired military police officer Ronnie Lessa is expected to be brought before a popular jury. He is accused of being one of the executioners of the murders. On March 14, 2018, Marielle Franco and Anderson Gomes were shot inside the car they were driving in the central region of Rio de Janeiro.