Solar panels change the scenario on rural properties

Solar panels change the scenario on rural properties


According to experts, switching to photovoltaic energy can result in savings of up to 95%. In Onda Verde (SP), a farm has innovated by using this source to meet its demands. Solar panels change the scenario on rural properties Reproduction/TV TEM The high energy cost has been a major challenge for chicken farmers in Onda Verde, in the interior of São Paulo, especially due to the hot climate and the specific needs of the birds. To overcome the problem, a local farm invested in solar energy to meet part of the demand. Solar panels provide energy for the ventilation of the sheds and the bird feeding system, ensuring the animals’ well-being. This investment not only reduces operating costs, but also promotes more sustainable practices. Monitoring of solar energy generation on the farm is carried out in real time, from sunrise to sunset. The inverter plays a fundamental role in this process, transporting the energy captured by the solar panels to the transformers. Through it, it is possible to monitor crucial information, such as the amount of energy generated, enabling efficient resource management. See the report shown on the program on 02/18/2024: Solar panels change the scenario on rural properties Experts point out that the use of photovoltaic energy can result in significant savings, with up to 95% reduction in energy bills. This technology is particularly relevant in a context where electricity tariffs have increased considerably in recent years, encouraging consumers to look for alternatives to reduce their expenses. The state of São Paulo stands out as a national leader in solar energy generation, with a significant number of systems installed in several municipalities. In the northwest of São Paulo, in addition to reducing costs, solar energy allows producers to invest in equipment and modernize their operations. This transition to a cheaper, renewable and environmentally friendly energy source promises long-term benefits for both the wallet and the environment. VIDEOS: see the reports from Nosso Campo Access + TV TEM | Programming | Videos | Social networks Check out the latest news from Nosso Campo


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