Discussion of topics such as the competence of the STF and the validity of monocratic decisions are valid for Rodrigo Pacheco.| Photo: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

The president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), said this Tuesday (14) that it is acceptable to discuss topics related to the Federal Supreme Court (STF), such as the competence to act and the validity of monocratic decisions. The lines were given during his participation in an event promoted by the BTG Pactual bank.

According to the senator, similar discussions are already taking place in other countries in order to avoid the “insanity of attacking the figure, the person of the Minister, as if this were going to solve the problems of the institutional relationship between the Powers”, reports Folha de São Paulo. Paul.

“You discuss the scope of a monocratic decision by a STF minister or any Superior Court minister: it is an honest discussion. The time limit for viewing in court cases is also an honest discussion. The very limitation of the competence of the STF is a very palatable discussion, “he said.

The parliamentarian also considers that mistakes that may be made by magistrates must be corrected within the limits of the Judiciary itself, and that “he would never allow the impeachment of a STF minister for a decision he made”.

The possibility of asking for the impeachment of STF ministers was even proposed by former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in 2021 against Alexandre de Moraes, amid tension between the Powers at the time. More recently, Senator Sérgio Moro (União Brasil-PR) went the opposite way and stated that the act “does not provide an institutional advance”.