See the best exercises to prevent neck pain – 12/10/2023 – Balance

See the best exercises to prevent neck pain – 12/10/2023 – Balance


Experts estimate that up to 80% of people will experience some type of neck pain in their lifetime, and up to half of Americans will suffer from it this year alone. Here’s what to know about neck pain and how you can manage it.

While some neck pain is caused by accidents, falls or other traumatic events, most of the time it results from everyday movements like sitting on the couch, working on a computer, eating at the dinner table or driving, said Julia Bizjack, an orthopedic physical therapist in Cleveland. Clinic.

As you age, the discs in your spine that act as shock absorbers lose their effectiveness. The best way to prevent neck pain is to strengthen the paraspinal muscles, which extend from the base of the skull down the length of the spine and support the back.

Most people lose strength in their upper back — including the paraspinal muscles — as they age. This causes the shoulders and head to lean forward. The way to combat this is to strengthen the muscles in your back and shoulders that keep your torso upright rather than rounded.

Start at home with specific neck exercises. A simple exercise starts in a chair with back support. Place your hand on your forehead and push it forward with all your strength while holding your head back with your hand. Push for 10 seconds, relax and repeat three times.

You can also do this with your hand on the back of your head, pushing your head back. Another option for strengthening your core, back and shoulders is the plank, either in a push-up position or resting on your elbows.

If you have access to a gym, Bizjack suggests high-pull exercises rather than push-ups because it’s easier to maintain proper form.

It’s important to make a conscious effort to overcome poor posture, says Bizjack. Whether you’re in front of a screen or driving, your shoulders should be up and back. Your head should be in line with your back straight.

When working at the computer, adjust the height of your desk or monitor so that it is at eye level, which will prevent you from tilting your head forward.

This article was originally published in The New York Times.


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