Secretary sees no reason for ministry division – 09/21/2023 – Panel

Secretary sees no reason for ministry division – 09/21/2023 – Panel


The national secretary of Public Security, Tadeu Alencar (PSB), sees no reason why the separation of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security into two departments should be discussed at this time and says that the topic only returned to the debate due to speculation surrounding the departure of Flávio Dino to the STF (Supreme Federal Court).

For him, during the transition there was a legitimate concern that public security could become secondary to the ministry. However, he states, Dino’s management made the priority for the issue clear.

“Security is a protagonist in Minister Flávio Dino’s ministry. The motivation to discuss a division needs to be something other than a fact that may or may not happen [a ida do ministro ao Supremo]”, it says.

Tadeu Alencar also refutes criticism that the government has lost the public security debate. “It’s a general debate. It’s one thing to say that you lost the security debate and point out the reasons why. What debate was lost? What’s the criticism?”, he asks.

He argues that the government of President Lula (PT) needed to “clean up the house” after the “authoritarian” management of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and attract sectors that were not on his side in the elections. “It’s an inappropriate debate [as críticas]. If it is raised by the opposition, it is dishonest. If it’s friendly fire, it’s irresponsible,” he said.

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