São Paulo deposits astronomical value for Daniel Alves

São Paulo deposits astronomical value for Daniel Alves


convicted of rape

Justice took action against the São Paulo club, which made the payment this Friday (12)

Daniel Alves received, this Friday (12), just over R$1 million from São Paulo, following a court order. This official request happened because one of the player’s companies, “FanFive Publicidade”, is being sued by “Banco Safra”, which charges the amount of R$550 thousand.

As today the player’s agreement with São Paulo is his only source of income, the Court asked for this amount to be paid in advance, so that the process could continue. It is important to emphasize that the São Paulo club is not involved in the case. The information is from the iG website.

The action taken by the bank even resulted in the freezing and search of the Brazilian’s accounts, but only R$77 thousand reais were found. The court asked São Paulo to deposit more than R$550,000 because the process will still drag on for some time.

The value of more than R$1 million corresponds to the payment of four installments in court of the agreement made between Daniel Alves and the São Paulo team. Furthermore, São Paulo made itself available to continue making these payments, if necessary.

Daniel Alves was sentenced to four years and six months in prison in Spain for the crime of sexual violence, committed in 2022. Today, the Brazilian responds to the case on probation, conceived after paying bail, until the final appeals are judged.

Read more:

Daniel Alves’ wife posts photo holding hands with former Brazilian national team player

VIDEO: Daniel Alves appears in court shouting “abuser”

Daniel Alves leaves prison in Spain after paying bail, after almost 15 months in prison for rape


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