Referee reports invasions and “generalized confrontation”

Referee reports invasions and “generalized confrontation”


Referee Braulio da Silva Machado (Fifa/SC) reported in the summary of the match between Coritiba and Cruzeiro, last Saturday (12), in Vila Capanema, the serious incidents involving fans of both teams.

The official arbitration document begins the report with the invasion of the Cruzeiro fans, after Coxa’s goal, scored by striker Robson, in the 45th minute of the second half.

“There was a widespread invasion by fans who were located in the specific sector of the visiting fans, who left towards the sector destined for the home fans”, says the text.

+ Check out Coritiba’s full table in the Brasileirão

Afterwards, Machado also reports the invasion of the field by Coritiba fans.

“In a continuous act, part of the Coritiba fans also invaded the playing field, heading towards the fans of the visiting team who had invaded the playing field, generating a widespread confrontation”, the document continues.

Finally, Machado narrates the intervention of the military police, the removal of both organized fans from the stadium and the guarantee that the match could be completed. The referee finally reports that until the summary was closed, no attacker had been identified.

Summary reports throwing objects by Coritiba fans

The match summary also reports two incidents of objects being thrown onto the field by Coritiba fans. At 2 minutes into the second half, the summary says that a glass with “unidentified liquid” was thrown by fans from the home crowd.

And, at 45 minutes into the second half, again several glasses were thrown onto the playing field by fans located in the thigh-white crowd.

Watch the moment fans invade the field

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