Randolfe announces regularization of the situation of the employees of Grupo 1050 by the federal government – ​​News of Brazil

Randolfe announces regularization of the situation of the employees of Grupo 1050 by the federal government – ​​News of Brazil


Senator Randolfe Rodrigues (without party-AP), informed this Tuesday (6) that an ordinance to be published in this Wednesday’s edition (7) of the Federal Official Gazette (DOU), will deal with the return of the servers of the so-called “1050 ​​list” for the federal government. These servers are already paid by the Union, but they depended on the regularization of the situation. Randolfe Rodrigues was the rapporteur for Constitutional Amendment 98/2018, identified as the solution for framing the 1050 civil servants from the former Federal Territory of Amapá who hoped to join the Union. In addition to resolving the reclassification of the 1050, it also regularized the situation of retirees and pensioners, taxation and inspection and municipal servants until 1993.

In a vote in the plenary of the Federal Senate, a report by Randolfe Rodrigues was approved, which includes those who had a working relationship with the former territories of Amapá and Roraima during the transformation to statehood in the federal government’s extinction. The proposal was also approved by the Chamber of Deputies.

“After almost 30 years of waiting, the Lula government gives the ‘Group 1050’ its place in the federal government. I am honored to be part of this story, because I remember well when they said it would not get off the ground, but the transposition is a reality in the reconstruction government”, celebrated Randolfe, adding that the people of Amapá believed and now the servants from Amapá have their right guaranteed. There are, in all, 927 servants benefited.

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